He's so faithful
Life at home can be tough. It really can. The way I feel affects those around me. The way those around me feel affects me. Lately my parents haven't had the best moods. Things have been really rough. I just had a great week away from it all, with my friends, and some adults I really look up to. Then I came home to the same thing I left. Depressed, frustrated parents. Wow. That really puts a damper on life. I was getting discouraged before I even got home! God really shoved a few things from this week back into my head though. It was like he said, "Hey! Remember that? It's true!" hehe!
All things work together for good to them that love God, and to them that are called according to his purpose. (not exact quote) Romans 8:28.
Day by day, and with each passing moment, strength I find to meet my trials near.
Right now I'm going through this situation where I'm trying to stay positive and happy and cheerful while my parents are going through a really, really tough spot. It grinds down on me, and makes it hard to go on cheerfully, but God reminded me of those things.
Then he gave me tons of verses that a dear friend had sent me the references for. She didn't even do it on purpose, but God led her to, and I looked up the verses, and they were exactly what I needed at that moment. It's amazing how God orchestrates life.
He'll always pull me through, if I hold on to him, and trust him.
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