Wednesday, June 18, 2008

It's been awhile

Well, I won't make excuses for my lack of posting, although I have been busy, there has been time. Lack of motivation, I guess.

VBS went so much better than I ever expected!! One of my kids visitors came, Billy, and I believe he got saved. :) I was so sad when it was all over.

On the last night of VBS, everything went pretty well. I had been tired after a week of VBS, so I saved up all my energy for the night. As I went through the night everything was good, and then I did as much as I could to help clean up before I left. Well, I was also doing all of that (running around, up and down stairs) in a pair of high-heeled wedges. (that's another story to be gotten to.) As I had been every day of VBS since Monday. :D Which, I am very good at, hehe, but it gets a bit tiring after awhile.

We left church and headed over to a friend's house for an all-nighter movie party. I didn't really want to go, because I knew how tired I would be, but it was okay. They're our friends from birth, so they wouldn't care if I went to bed early. When I stepped out of the van I realized how tired I was, and my legs felt just like jello. :D Well, I went to bed around 12:30ish, but none of them went to bed till around 4-6. 0_0.

We all got up around 10, and then Caiti and I left. I had some shoeshopping to do, and ended up buying a pretty white shirt, as well, among a few other little things.

Monday morning Caiti went to Gen's house - a lady at church who has 4 little boys, 6 and under! She and I are helping babysit them this week while their parents are gone on vacation. It's a big task, but I daresay we both are enjoying it more than if it was 4 little girls. I like little boys ever so much better.

One of the sweetest things at VBS last week was getting to see all the guys interacting with the kids and little ones.

In less than a week I am leaving for a month.

I am going to have a new retainer made today. I hope they don't try six moulds on me before they get it right this time. Last time, well, it was NOT pretty. All that nasty gop in your mouth and the back of your throat with a HUGE mould shoved in your mouth, ohhhhh dear. It wasn't so bad when they had the right sized mould.

Voices of Praise have two really good CDs out. They may have more, but the two we have are Crown Him and My Glory All The Cross. I absolutely love them because the singing is good, the accompanying is good, and all the songs are the kind of songs that make you think about life in Christ. Definitely a helper to keep you focused on your walk with Jesus. I am very thankful for good CDs like these.

I just finished reading 2 Samuel, and I'm not sure whether or not I want to read some in the New Testament, or read a bunch of the Minor Prophets, before I go on to Kings and Chronicles.

It's time for me to go start getting ready so I better run. :)


1 comment:

Daniel Osborne said...

Praise the Lord for His work at VBS! That is very exciting! I've been working VERY SLOWLY through 1 & 2 Samuel. My pastor challenged me to go through books of the Bible that I didn't know as well. It's been a blessing for sure... although very challenging at times too. Keep studying the Word!