Thursday, August 14, 2008

And life goes by....

School has started! I am glad, because of the way life will become systematic again.

Some of the changes I've made in my life lately are inspired by a lot of things. First of all, God. He constantly draws me to him as I draw near to him. It makes me think of a child learning to walk. His mother stands near and encourages him on, slowly walking backwards, calling him on. The child is continually moving forward, but there's always another step to take to get to Mommy.

So, first of all, I decided I wanted to read through my Bible. I had never read it all the way through before.
Then, very recently, a brother-in-Christ made some changes in his life that really challenged me.
After that I went to the Prayer Advance and God gave me a very strong desire to delve into his Word and make it the biggest part of me.
When I got home I shared with my accountability partner the changes I wanted to make, and she wanted to make them with me!

Currently I am :
Reading 15 chapters of my Bible a day, so I can finish in August, and she and I can start in September on a plan to read our Bibles through in 4 months.
Meditating on a different verse every day.
Memorizing two "bits" of scripture a week.
Reading a Proverb every morning.
Making sure to get in the Word before I get on my laptop.

It's amazing the change I feel inside of me! I know that there is probably not much outward change. It is so easy to hide our inner feelings and attitudes. I feel joyful most all of the time, and my attitudes are just so much better. It's great!

The other day I know that there were demons and angels around me, and I was able to quote scripture to fight back against the demons because I actually had been memorizing!

SO now every morning the first thing I do is pull out my Bible and read a Proverb, check and see what my meditation verse is for the day, and go over it. Then I make up my bed and get dressed, eat breakfast, check my internet stuff, and then start school. :)

At the moment I am going to go clean up some pictures off of my laptop. If anyone has any good tips for good, routine laptop up-keep, I would be happy to hear them!


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