Wednesday, December 10, 2008

15 Things, Grades, and a real post coming SOON I promise.

So, I was tagged to list 15 things I am not afraid to say on my blog. I'm breaking the rules and not tagging anyone, but I am doing it! =P
1. I want to have 15 kids.
2. I want to get married.
3. I don't like dogs, or any other animals, really. I don't hate them, but I'd rather not be around them.
4.I got super attached to my aquarium fish, and cried when they died last year. (I love fish)
5. I don't really have any talents. (God has blessed me with a knack for the piano, but he kinda took that away.)
6.I have decided to quit drinking soda after Christmas. no soda for me in 2009. at all. not even a sip.
7. I tend to be super possessive and jealous of my friends.
8. I also tend to be a slob.
9. I'm super picky. I don't like onions, bell peppers, bananas, honey, root beer, sweet pickles, citrus fruits (like the juices, not the flesh), cherries, and lots of other things.
10. I'm not afraid to admit what I believe/think/feel about life.
11.I'm not as faithful to pray as I should be.
12. I am a people pleaser, and I criticize myself when I'm not as good at things as my mom and sister are.
13. when I'm with people I know I have to keep myself from talking way too much.
14. I do not like french.
15. I'm a bad photographer.
16. - for good measure. I'm super nosey.

Final Grades
English : 108% - Overall grade of 99%
Geometry B : 96% - Overall grade of 97%
Algebra 3 A : 102% - Overall grade of 96%
Chemistry B : 104% - Overall grade of 100%
U.S. History B : 106% - Overall grade of 98%
Spanish 1 B : 108% - Overall grade of 96%


Deborah said...

Great post! You're grades are awesome! Congrats! Luv ya girl!

Becc@ said...

Love the post! :) It was fun getting to know you better! :D LOL.

You DO have awesome grades!

Love you tons and tons!

Have a Merry Christmas! :)