Saturday, May 17, 2008

May 15th

Well, even though it seemed like things would not work out, they have. Or rather, God has. I worked today, and finished earning back the money I was loaned by my grandparents. For that I am truly happy. Now I can pay back what I owe. I do not like being in debt.

I am reading Do Hard Things, and wow. It has made my Summer reading list - the Old Testament, and Wives and Daughters, seem quite measely. Perhaps I may broaden it.
Today is quite dreary, and although I normally find no goodness in dreary, grey days, I am enjoying this rain. A grey curtain has fallen over the lawn and the trees. The rain lazily drips and drops, swaying with the breeze. All is calm and the flowers rejoice for the showers, the kiss of life.

I am continually amazed at my God.

I have a babysitting job at a wedding on Saturday, and that money will be mine to use as I will. Excepting a few dollars of my tithe money that I had to use, since my check had not yet been cashed. However, I am going to give what is not tithe to the Kenyan orphanage. I am so grateful for what God has given me, and I just want to give back to him. I feel that he is pleased with my decision, and it is so nice to feel that God is smiling down on me. For once, I am not giving this because I have to give my tithe, and it feels so good. I hope I don't come across as being boastful. I feel so priveleged that I can give what little I have to feels rather freeing. At the same time, though, I feel like he would have me give this to him, but after that, to continue tithing my ten percent, but save the rest for a car. I am praying for him to give me a car, and I think he would have me work in faith towards the goal I am asking him to fulfill for me. It is a neat feeling to know that you are giving what God would have you give, no more, no less.

Reading things like, "Do Hard Things," often makes me discontent with where God has me. I want to go out and Do Hard Things! They talk about doing all these great things, and sometimes I wonder why God has me in a place where it is impossible for me to do those kind of hard things. At times I wonder if maybe I am just not trying hard enough, but then when it comes down to it, I know that's not it. God just has a different plan for my life that involves being faithful at home, and that is a very hard thing.

The grey curtain is becoming darker and darker, and I am going to bid you farewell.

"Jesus, Jesus, precious Jesus. Oh for grace to trust him more."


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