Friday, June 27, 2008

"You're not so smart, are you?"

I really wonder if God doesn't just sit and stare at me sometimes, I'm so stupid.
I finally got something he's been trying to teach me for a long time, and I am glad to have finally gotten the concept! Now I just have to keep carrying it out.

I have some amazing parents, but they're normal people. They raised me well, and continue to do so. They taught me what a Christian should be like, and they taught me that SO well that in my sin I have really judged them for not being everything a Christian should be. I really, really struggled in the past with bitterness towards them for everything they did wrong that hurt me and our family. God taught me to forgive them, and I did, and I still am. Sometimes I have to remember more often to pull out my "slate" and "wipe it clean", and sometimes I am not even aware of it.

Lately I have been more aware of that "slate", I'm not sure why. Sin patterns, attacks from Satan, lack of closeness to God? Maybe some of all of those. So, I've been constantly battling my flesh, trying to respect my parents. It has been so hard. God is helping me, though.

He has used this struggle to get my attention and show me this thing he's been trying to drill through my thick skull for a long time now : I have to trust him to direct my parents, who in turn direct me in the way He wants me to go. I have to trust them and submit to them with respect, joyful obedience, and love. Not just in big things, but also the small things. Especially the small things, since those are the harder ones.

Took me a long time to get that, and through an ongoing conversation with a friend about one of her struggles, and a comment-conversation on facebook about how I would trust my parents to pick out a husband for me, it finally dawned on me, "Oh! This is what God has been trying to teach me!"

I was thinking to myself, "Funny I would trust them to pick out a husband for me, but I have a hard time when they tell me not to wear flip-flops to church, and that they don't want me going off to a Christian college for four years."I mean it doesn't make sense for me to trust them for something so huge, but not follow their leading in smaller things, does it?


Ordering pizza can be, well, let's call it an adventure. *grin*

First I call Papa John's. I can't understand what the young man on the phone is saying. The reception is bad and he is mumbling. I give him my phone number and address, and he can't figure out where we live, so I call Westshore instead. No one answers. I call Dominos. The young man on the phone sounds quite competent, is very polite, but sends me to a different location with my request for delivery. I call the other location. The lady I spoke with was also kind, but doesn't know if I am in their delivery area, so sends me to talk with a young man at their store. Turns out, the other Domino's should have delivered to my house. 0-0 So, extremely frustrated and somewhat hungry, I call Westshore, again. YAY! A lady answers, and they will deliver. I order the pizza, she tells me the total, and they should be here in about 26 minutes. I get online and figure out how much I should be tipping the deliverer, and give my cousin a bath. 30 minutes later, no pizza. 50 minutes later, no pizza. 51 minutes later I get a call from a Charles B. It's the pizza delivery guy! "Ummm, I'm on your road, but I can't find you." "Okay, have you passed a group of 3 mailboxes with a big black mailbox on one end?" "Uuuh yeah I just did. I'm parked in front of it." "Okay, I think I see you. Are you in a truck? " Uuhh yeah." "Okay, just pull in the driveway you are right in front of."

*sigh* Finally, we got our delicious pizza.

Adventurous? ..........I guess.

I made some really cute cards! Only I made one upside down, and the lettering on it is a bit paper-fuzzy on the edges. The design, I think, is cute, though.

Once Aunt Cindy gets back I am going to make some more. :) She has some software with more clipart to cut out on it. I am going to make one with "Summer" and a palm tree on the front.
I love summer!
and I don't know, hopefully I'll think of some other stuff. I'm not extremely creative. Just a tad.



Anonymous said...

I'm extremely glad you've realized that point, my dear! I know you were struggling.
Yes, pizza delivery...something like that always happens, doesn't it?
Love you,

Anonymous said...

I have been praying for you Laura and will continue to do so! Praise the Lord that he has gotten through to you. Do Hard Things, right?
In Christ,
P.S. Did you ever find someone to lead the study while you're in Florida?