Today I have a lot of Bible reading to do. I'm going to be finished reading my Bible at the end of August. :)
I also have to keep on cleaning my room.
I'm a bit( a lot) frustrated lately because my right hand has been hurting a lot. Back in 2004 I injured my hand while I was trying to start a go-cart. The pull-start jerked back and grabbed my third finger, just pulling it like crazy. Then I had to push the go-cart up the hill. I didn't hurt that day, but the next day it felt like I had pins and needles killing me if I moved my hand at all. I was stupid and didn't say anything, and then when I finally did say anything about it my mom dismissed it and thought I was just being a crybaby. =P (crazy, right? Try to be stoic and don't get the kind of help you need, then your parents don't realize how bad it really is. LOL) For a while I wasn't able to do anything with it - dishes, writing, piano, anything that required wrist movement was pretty much out of the question. It was super hard.
Over the next few years I've always had trouble with it if I do anything too much, or too hard, but sometimes it bothers me less, and sometimes it bothers me more. I haven't been able to take piano lessons ever since, and I've had trouble with writing. This Summer it hasn't bothered me much at all. I haven't used it much, though.
Since I've started school, and I have also been playing my piano quite a bit more than during the Summer, it has started really bothering me. The past three days it has been really painful. So much so that the pain radiates up to my elbow. It hasn't started going up to my shoulder yet, but I won't be surprised it if does. Today I'm trying to keep ice on it, and wear my brace. To me it seems like the brace makes it hurt worse, but I may just be crazy. =P This week my mom is supposed to schedule an appointment for me to see another doctor about it. In 05 or 06(I forget) we saw a doctor, but he was mean, and didn't help at all. He gave me some anti-inflammatory medicine, but it didn't help the pain at all. I am wondering if since it hasn't healed after 4 years, if I am going to need the surgery. =/ I am just hoping and praying that the doctors can find the right way for me to get healing for my hand. Pray with me?
We found out today that our interim music pastor is permanent now!!!!!!! I am sooooo excited!!!! This is just absolutely amazing, and makes our church even better!
Life is so good. <3
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