So I need to write some more. I want to write on the emptiness of other religions, how doing nothing is as bad as doing bad things, and there was something else...oh right, heart purity.
I went to "formal night" last night. My youth group goes to a dinner play every year and they go all dressed up. I thought it was an even for going to in formal attire. Well, heh, it's not. So it was rather weird. However, the play was amazing!!
I am so tired I could go to sleep about now , but I am going to wait until morning. I mean (see?) I am going to wait until tonight so I can go to sleep so I can get up in the morning for church. (wow)
I'm starting school Monday! YAY! I need to get my room clean. I think I'll go eat something soon and then put on some peppy music and clean my room.
I've been really, really aware lately of just how horrible I am. Which is uncomfortable, and I keep expecting that feeling to go away, but really I am just working on realizing that yes I am evil, and GOD is the only thing good in me.
I didn't mean for this post to be published early, but it was so I'll just keep on going.
God showed me today that we don't love people for any other reason that him. I only love people because of God in them and because God made them, and that is the only reason why people love me.
When something that hurts you happens, you keep on. God, for as long as he has made us, has been being hurt. However, he keeps his promises and is always a good God. Wow!
God uses our mistakes and to make good things happen. All things work together for Good to them that love the Lord, and are called according to his purpose.
Power corrupts the best of people.
God is good. All the time.
Your musings are interesting. I have/have had some similar ones sometimes.
Thank you for sharing the latest that's happening with you. :) It's been a while since we've talked!
I miss you! <3
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