Monday, October 19, 2009

Cold = holidays!

Cold weather is upon us, and cold weather has a very special association in my mind! 
I love the holiday season. I am none too fond of cold weather; it hurts! However, there's nothing like family, warm fires, lovely dishes of delicious foods, friends, ahhh. The holidays are extremely wonderful. Is there really anything as good as sitting down to a table bursting with food and family? 
Green bean casserole, turkey, dressing and gravy, sweet potato souffle.....*happiness*
I can just smell the sweet potato souffle. (This is making me hungry.) 

I can't wait for Thanksgiving, because it is such a beautiful season of thankfulness. This November I'm going to try to do something new. I'm going to write in my journal one thing I'm thankful for for every day. I may miss a few days, but I'm going to try and make it a daily thing. 

One of the reasons I love Thanksgiving so much is because it means Christmas is right around the corner. Some of my absolute most favorite things in life are Christmas lights. I love sitting down to a desk full of homework with a candle, Christmas music, and Christmas lights.  I love shopping for Christmas presents with my little bit of money, and I love Christmas parties with friends. I love baking gifts for my guy friends, and the smell of scotch tape and wrapping paper!

I'm waiting on my Daddy to get home so I can go run some errands. I need to deposit a check into my checking account, drop off a job application, and possibly get some tennis shoes. I may just skip on that errand. I really don't have the money. I also need to take my siblings to the library. Maybe I'll pick up some new cds or movies, if they have anything good. =D
 Happy October, dearies! 

by the way, if Elizabeth who left me a comment a couple blog posts ago would please email me because I LOST her email address, that would be mahvelous. =)

1 comment:

JG said...

I'm looking forward to the holidays as well, friend.